This is an Asteroids Clone Game with bright illumination. 

Accelerate - W / Y
Rotate - A and D / < and >

Check the Game out and feel free to leave a comment about the Game and what you think. 
I´m open minded to new ideas and very thankful for them.

If you do find a bug please leave a Comment explaining it
and it will be fixed ASAP.

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Asteroids Game.exe 46 MB

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What are the controls ?  

(3 edits)

A and D for rotating and W for accelerating. You can also turn with arrow keys and accelerate with Y if you prefer.

Mobile Controls should be displayed. If not please tell on which device you are playing.

Thanks you !

there's a bug , when i press menu after i enter in the game , the play button will not active so when i press it , it will not effect .

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the report. The Bug has been fixed and now it works like expected